

We prioritize accessibility and inclusive design to guarantee that all individuals can easily access and utilize digital content and services. This approach fosters equal opportunities for everyone, ensuring that digital content is universally accessible.

Our efforts

To ensure compliance with WCAG 2.1 accessibility standards, we conduct Quarterly Internal Accessibility Audits.

The goal is to identify accessibility barriers and take steps to address them. This not only helps us to improve the accessibility but also help us develop practices that can improve the overall quality of our digital content and services by making them user-friendly, adaptable and flexible.

The result of this internal audit can be found here.


  • Document: The result out of these checks is an accessibility report. Any findings are documented (in Jira) and, if needed, we create follow-up tickets out of it.
  • Discuss: The report will be discussed on the quarterly Internal Accessibility Audit calls.
  • Decide: Measurements will be derived from the report and discussed during the Internal Accessibility Audit calls.

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